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My Maiden Voyage

DISCLAIMER: I have been working for a number of years now on development of my website and the specific style of content found therein. Throughout the process (and please remember to always “Trust the Process”), my team has encouraged me to add my specific voice to said content. Now, I have had a lot of…


3 Co-Parenting Obstacles worth Overcoming

In our previous post, we talked about how great joint custody is when both parents are committed to being the best they can be despite their marital status. Unfortunately, not all parents meet these criteria. It takes a lot of honest self-examination and an objective assessment of your ex, but if you anticipate one of the…

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The Joys of Joint Custody

Galileo’s revelation that the earth revolves around the sun made us question everything. Were we not the center of the universe? What did this say about the existence of a higher power? What was real anymore?! Filled with these questions and others like them, our understanding of existence was shaken at its foundation. Divorce has…


DNA of a Successful Marriage

We need to study successful marriages for the same reason scientists study sharks. Sharks have existed for 450 million years, and we need to understand how their genetic makeup has allowed them to live through the rise and fall of countless other species, such as dinosaurs. In a time where so many marriages fail, an…


12 Laws that Could Change Your Life in 2018

By now most Californians know not to be surprised when they see a billboard advertising marijuana, but the new legality of this is not the only significant law that will affect the state in 2018. Over 800 new state laws go into effect this year, and many of them will have at least some impact…


Where Do I File Divorce Papers?

Divorce is hard on everyone involved, and it’s complicated. There are several steps one must follow when filing for divorce. The first thing you must do is figure out which county you should be filing your case in. This can be done online through the California Courts web page. After you determine the proper county…


What is Aggravated DWI?

A DWI or driving while intoxicated charge is serious business. Aggravated DWI is even worse. There are several factors that determine whether the charge will be a DWI or aggravated DWI. What is a DWI? A DWI is like a DUI. The difference between the two changes from state to state, but at the end…

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What Is a Pending Criminal Charge?

The complex criminal justice system can often seem like a maze to those unfamiliar with it. Its complexity can make dealing with certain things, such as pending charges, a difficult and often overwhelming task. Here, we’ll break down what a pending criminal charge is and steps to take if you are ever charged with one.…


How to File Criminal Charges

Just because someone has committed a crime doesn’t mean he or she will immediately be arrested or charged. Police and prosecutors do not arrest or charge people solely on a single person’s claims. Unless the police witnessed the crime, the evidence is needed to bring justice to those that have committed a crime. If you…

how long is maternity leave in california

How Long Is Maternity Leave in California?

Having a baby is costly and exhausting. New parents need maternity leave in order to care for new children and establish critical family bonds. Although the U.S. isn’t known for good maternity leave laws, California is an exception to the rule. Paid Family Leave Maternity leave in California is better than most other states in…

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Divorce Mediation Checklist

Divorce mediation isn’t easy, but going into the process prepared saves a lot of pain and frustration. To prepare, you’ll need to gather some critical documents and information that the mediator will need in order to make fair and reasonable suggestions. You’ll also need to consider a few questions in advance to ensure you’re prepared…


How Much is a Divorce?

Divorce is complicated and is often quite expensive. The costs for a divorce appear as both immediate expenses for court and lawyer fees, and in long-term losses, such as property division and alimony. While it’s impossible to predict the exact cost of a divorce for each spouse, taking all sides of the equation into consideration…

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How to Apply for FMLA

There are times in your life when you are met with extenuating circumstances that require a leave of absence from work. Taking a hiatus from your job in order to focus your time on a more important portion of your life, brings the risk of losing your job and long-term source of income, not to…

what's the difference between a dui and a dwi

What’s the Difference Between a DUI and a DWI?

Understanding the difference between Driving Under the Influence (DUI) and Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) is tricky but important. Both offenses refer to illegally operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Both charges carry with it a set of consequences that can include fines, court appearances, loss of license and even jail…


What is a Misdemeanor?

Facing a legal charge of any kind is concerning. However, it’s important to understand the legal language behind those charges. Some of the most common offenses in America are misdemeanors. We’ll explain what misdemeanors are, give examples of common offenses, and then discuss how misdemeanors are tried. Finally, we’ll outline the penalties a judge may…

what is family law?

What is Family Law?

It seems obvious that the definition of family law is the area of legal practice regarding familial matters and domestic relations. However, it’s important to keep in mind that this is a broad area of the law. While the most commonly known proceedings are related to divorce, there is a whole host of other issues…

How to Get Child Support

How to Get Child Support

Child support is a difficult subject for many parents. It can be hard to know what is considered a fair amount of child support. It’s also frustrating to know who determines how much child support is paid. These questions often cause major strife within the family. To help alleviate some of the stress, these steps…

How to calculate child support

How to Calculate Child Support

When facing a divorce, supporting the children affected is vital. Unfortunately, the process of calculating child support is often overwhelming and confusing. It’s easy to get frustrated and lost in the shuffle of things. The formula used to generate payments seems foreign and confusing. However, every case is decided by using the same formula. This…


What Happens After Being Charged with a Crime?

Receiving formal notice of criminal charges is always terrifying. It feels like you’re facing the entire legal system by yourself, and without an experienced criminal lawyer, you essentially are. Understanding what pending criminal charges mean, the difference between civil and criminal cases, and the role of a criminal lawyer gives you the head start you’ll…

What is a felony

What’s a Felony?

The government establishes crimes and punishments to keep citizens safe and to maintain order. Breaking the law has a variety of consequences that are determined by a criminal court. The more severe the crime, the more serious the charge and intensive the punishment to deter the possibilities of societal wrongdoings. What Constitutes a Felony There…

How to get full custody

How To Get Full Custody Of Your Children

While you are filing for a divorce, one of the most important aspects to discuss is the custody of your children. This decision will influence your children’s lives more than any other regarding your divorce from your significant other. This matter demands intensive reflection before settling on whether to establish full or joint custody. You…

How to get a divorce

How To Get a Divorce

There may come a time in your life where things do not feel the same as they once did. And know this up front, this is okay. Sometimes it comes without warning, other times it may slowly show signs, but divorce is something that may benefit both you and your spouse when times prove to…

Trial Preparation Tips for Court | Court Etiquette Advice

Trial Preparation: Advice for Court Appearances

Court etiquette goes beyond just showing up for your scheduled court date. There are rules and manners you and those who accompany you must follow. Then there are those unwritten rules of courtroom behavior that are optional but should be followed simply because it is in your best interest to do so. Below are some…


Family Leave Rights in the U.S.

Life happens, and it’s important for employees to know their rights before they need to utilize them. The U.S. has one of the scantiest set of employee leave rights in the world, but employees do enjoy a set of guarantees under federal and state laws. While the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) of 1993 is…


The Fight Over College Subsidies for Illegal Immigrants

California’s debate over subsidies and scholarships for undocumented students in state-run colleges and universities continued, as Earl De Vries, a California resident, recently sued the University of California’s Board of Regents. This lawsuit questions whether or not there is an overstep of federal law, by providing in-state tuition to illegal immigrants at the cost of…


Ahead of the Curve: Medical Insurance for Undocumented Immigrants

Undocumented immigrants make up about 6% of California’s population, making it a hot spot for topics like immigration and immigration reform. In September 2015, California Governor Jerry Brown signed SB 4 allowing undocumented children up to 19 years old full Medi-cal benefits. This is a far cry from prop 187 which blocked anyone who was…


New Laws in 2017

It’s the start of a new year, and that means the implementation of new laws for California. While the new laws in 2017 cover a wide range of topics, most are tied to labor issues. Employers and employees alike should check the new California legislation to see what rights they’ve gained. Labor Laws New labor…


Proposition 57: California State Parole Eligibility & Juvenile Crime

The Supreme Court of the United States ruled in 2011 that California’s prisons were overcrowded to the extent of being in violation of the 8th amendment. As a result, the State of California was required to reduce its prison population in order to comply. The first effort to do so was through proposition 47, which…


(You Gotta) Fight For Your Renters Rights in California

What to know before you go apartment shopping (and why).


Social Media Privacy Tips: Don’t Incriminate Yourself

How sharing too much about your case can lead to disastrous results in the courtroom.


Do’s and Don’ts of Custody Litigation: Child Custody Advice

A few tips to help you navigate the stressful matter of going to court over custody of your children.


Keeping it Family Friendly: Family Law Mediation Tips

Some tried and true methods of keeping the peace when going to court with a family member.


The Truth About American Views On Immigration

What does the 2015 American Values Atlas have to say about the country you think you know?


Six Facts About Criminal Justice You May Not Know

A closer look at “truths” we find to be less than self evident.

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A Dish Best Served: Revenge Sites Targeted By The Law

New laws in Michigan pave the way for legislation criminalizing “revenge” websites.


What A Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill Would Mean

Sen. Charles Schuman says 2017 looks good for immigration reform.


When Life Gives You Lemons: California Lemon Law & Car Buying Tips

What to do when you can’t get your motor running. 


Mental Health Matters

Diagnosing the problem of mental illness in California’s prison system.


Fixed Fight: The War on Parking Tickets

Cities push back against a tech company founded on fighting parking tickets. Will they win this battle, only to lose the war? Part of our ongoing series on technology.


(Don’t) Smoke ‘em if You Got ‘em

Gov. Jerry Brown takes on tobacco and e-cigarettes. Here’s what you should know.


Who Lets The Dogs Out?

New bill advocates freedom from liability when liberating endangered animals from hot vehicles.

Celerino Sanchez, an H-2A worker from Guerrero, Mexico, weeds rows of mint at HerbCo International in Duvall, Wash.

The (Not So) Simple Path to Immigration

It’s no mystery that U.S. immigration can be a nightmare. What’s so hard about doing it legally?


Three’s Family Too

The decline of the “nuclear” family makes dealing with legal issues all the more complex.


Six New Laws That May Change Your Life

From the inane to the outrageous, these laws may very well change lives in 2016.